Digging Into The Feeling Of Suicide

“Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”  – Denis Waitley 

Hello Readers. We will discuss Digging Into The Feeling Of Suicide. As per data, every 15 minutes, a person commits suicide. An average of 35 thousand people commit suicide each year, which is actually the number double that of people who die during fatal road accidents. And actually, we have been analysing such drastic growth in suicide statics over these last 15 years.

So, What’s happening actually?

According to the studies, 90% of people are found suffering from serious mental health issues. The categories of mental health include our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours are affected by it. It also affects how we handle stress, relate to others, and make wise choices. Mental health is important at every age, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood. Mental illness and poor mental health are distinct conditions. A person with a mental disease may go between periods of mental, emotional, and social health. Digging Into The Feeling Of Suicide is very important.

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The vast majority of persons suffering from a mental condition do not commit suicide. More than 90% of persons who commit suicide have a mental disease. Suicidal behaviour is not just the result of mental disease. Suicidal feelings and acts can emerge from the suffering caused by a mental condition combined with overwhelming life circumstances.

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Spread Awareness About Suicide

Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people. Suicide and automobile accidents account for about 60% of all juvenile deaths. It is one of the top three causes of death among young people around the world (aged 15 to 34).

Suicide Is Not A Mental Ailment

This is not a mental ailment in and of itself, although mental illness is one of the most common reasons for suicide, most commonly Depression, Bipolar Disorder (Manic Depression), Schizophrenia, and substance use disorders.

The consequences of juvenile suicide affect those who survive them, including their parents, friends, peers, and communities. Suicide is a dreadful event that provokes powerful emotional reactions.

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Suicide is more likely in people who have diagnosable mood disorders, such as serious depression or bipolar disorder. Suicidal thoughts and acts are more common among those who have mental diseases that co-occur with depression (e.g., schizophrenia, anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder, some personality disorders, and substance misuse disorders).

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Feeling Lonely In Crowd

It is critical to comprehend the connections between mental disease and stress. Stress is a common part of life, and people cope with it in various ways. However, when stress becomes chronic, overpowering, and significantly interrupts one’s life, it can have a negative impact on one’s mental health and well-being.

What does suicide look like?

Self-harming behaviours do not necessarily result in suicide attempts. Other than suicide, there could be a variety of reasons for self-harming behaviour, such as a cry for help (For example, if a person is trapped in a dangerous environment from which they cannot leave, such as chronic sexual abuse, they may self-harm.)


Suicidal thoughts or warning signals include:

  • Discussing suicide
  • acquiring the tools to commit suicide, such as purchasing a gun or collecting drugs
  • Withdrawal from social contact and desire to be alone
  • Developing personality changes or being extremely worried or irritated, especially while experiencing some of the warning indications listed above

Warning indicators aren’t always visible, and they can differ from person to person. Some people make their intentions plain, while others keep suicidal thoughts and sentiments hidden.


Suicidal thoughts can be caused by a variety of factors. Suicidal thoughts are frequently the result of feeling helpless in the face of what appears to be an overwhelming life situation. If you have no hope for the future, you may incorrectly believe that suicide is a solution. You may suffer from tunnel vision, in which you believe suicide is the only way out of a dilemma.

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Suicide may also have a hereditary component. People who commit suicide or have suicidal thoughts or conduct are more likely to have a suicide family history.

Murder and suicide

Suicidal thoughts are generally the result of feeling helpless in the face of an overwhelming life scenario. If you have no hope for the future, you may incorrectly believe that suicide is a viable option. You may suffer from tunnel vision, in which you believe that suicide is the only way out of a dilemma.

Suicide could also have a hereditary component. Suicidal people, as well as those who have suicidal thoughts or behaviours, are more likely to have a suicide history.

Starting antidepressants and increased suicide risk

Although most antidepressants are typically safe, the Food and Drug Administration requires that all antidepressants have black box warnings, the most stringent prescription cautions. When using antidepressants, children, teenagers, and young adults under the age of 25 may have an increase in suicidal thoughts or behaviour, particularly in the first few weeks or when the dose is altered. Digging Into The Feeling Of Suicide includes complications also.

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Prevent Suicide Feelings

Keep in mind, though, that antidepressants, by increasing mood, are more likely to minimise suicide risk in the long run.


Suicidal ideation and attempt take an emotional toll. While many suicide attempts are impulsive acts committed during a crisis, they can result in permanent serious or severe injuries, such as organ failure or brain damage. Suicide survivors often experience grief, anger, sadness, and guilt.


  • Seek medical attention. You may feel uncomfortable seeking therapy for mental health issues, but getting the correct treatment for depression, substance abuse, or another underlying problem will make you feel better about life – and keep you safe.
  • Create a network of support. It can be difficult to talk about suicidal thoughts, and your friends and family may not fully comprehend why you are feeling this way. Reach out anyway to ensure that the people who care about you are aware of what is going on and are available when you need them. You might also seek assistance from your church, support groups, or other community services.
  • Keep in mind that suicidal thoughts are just fleeting. If you are feeling hopeless or as if life is no longer worth living, remember that treatment can help you regain your perspective – and life will get better.

This is all about Digging Into The Feeling Of Suicide. Stay Connected For More Updates.

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