Mental Illness Awareness Week

Hello Readers. Hoping all of you are doing great. It’s Mental Awareness week. Started from 2 October to 8 October. Mental Health or Mental Illness is one of the topics which is very least discussed in this era. This is still considered taboo in some parts of our country. Yes, progress and change of thoughts among people. But still, there is very much scope for improvement and changes. These things are very important to talk about and we need to discuss these things openly. There are many things that we all go through in life. Everyone faces the same things, happiness, sadness, anxiety, stress, sweetness, bitterness, and so on. This Mental Illness Awareness week, we will discuss some important mental health topics which are needed to speak loud.

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Mental Illness Awareness Week

More About Mental Awareness Week

In order to honor the National Alliance on Mental Disease’s efforts to spread knowledge and raise awareness about mental illness, Mental Illness Awareness Week was founded in the United States in 1990. It has now become a tradition for national mental health activists to unite during this period and speak with a single voice. Events are held during this week to support community outreach and public education about mental diseases.

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In the few last years, there are diverse themes for this mental illness awareness week to spread knowledge and prevention. This week of 2022, we will focus on Making mental health and wellbeing for all a global priority. This is the theme chosen for this year. It is our responsibility as a human to share and care about others.

Importance Of Spreading Awareness

It is important to discuss mental illness for some specific reasons. But these reasons are only for giving an idea of how a worse situation persists in our country.

Mental Illness Awareness Week|Mental Illness Is Important To Speak Loud |Getlovetips|Getlovetips
Mental Illness Is Important To Speak Loud

People do not know about these mental illnesses. If there are symptoms of any of it, they will remain clueless. hence the result is that they will not get any correct treatment for them. It can badly affect the health and lifestyle of people. Because they may not recognize the symptoms as indicators of mental illness, people with mental illnesses often choose not to seek professional assistance. These small problems will get converted into bigger ones. You will realize it after you will go through it.

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Life is very precious and people have very valuable tasks to complete. as we heard many times, health is a priority for everyone. It can’t be neglected at any cost. But sometimes, people feel shame or nervousness in sharing such serious mental health issues with anyone. This is a kind of taboo in society. One of its reason is less knowledge and understanding of the seriousness of such issues. Okay!! If I ask you, what would you prefer, Having good overall health or good physical health but not good emotional and mental health?

Emotional and Mental health are components of overall health, that we usually use. Only physical health is not enough to say that you are fit and fine completely. The other two health factors are equally important from every perspective. Awareness can help people to deal with such wrong notions about health. Bad health can affect a person so badly. They can help each other if they will know the seriousness of the small illnesses which they usually ignore.

Ways To Spread Awareness On Mental Illnesses

Host Some Mental Health Sessions

For Awareness, some lectures, and sessions should be organized by different organizations, schools, universities, and NGOs. Invite your team to a healthy breakfast and a talk by a local psychologist or mental health expert. They can organize a Q&A session on a variety of mental health subjects, such as stress and anxiety.

Have Outdoor Events And Discuss Mental Health

Spending time outside will help people feel less stressed, anxious, and depressed. Consider holding a special occasion, such as an outdoor field day. Setting up a range of team-building activities can also aid in easing people’s anxieties. Yoga can extend the psyche as well as the physical body. A session on deep breathing and yoga might benefit from having a local yoga instructor present. Organize some teams for a laid-back occasion that doubles as a Mental Health Awareness Month activity. Distribute leaflets about healthy techniques to alleviate stress and other anxieties during the event.

Practice Kindness And Compassion

Teach kids and teenagers to respect others, especially their classmates and those who act differently than they do. Take this advice to heart and show compassion to everyone you come into contact with as well as those who are obviously experiencing mental health problems. You may help your loved ones focus on their physical health by encouraging them to exercise and adopt healthy eating practices. You can also help them practice self-care.

Mental Illness Awareness Week|Organize Physical Exercises Sessions|Getlovetips|Getlovetips
Organize Physical Exercises Sessions

Use Social Media At Best To Spread Awareness

Now is our chance to significantly alter the course of history. We are surrounded by amazing technology that we can employ to make that significant difference. It’s crucial that we make good use of this technology. Social media is the perfect platform to launch this movement. It has the ability and promises to greatly increase public understanding of mental health issues. The best method to increase that awareness is to put significant mental health-related subjects on the trending list.

Sharing self-care advice on social media is a great idea. To demonstrate how you take care of yourself, you can record films or submit pictures. Others will be motivated by your suggestions to take good care of themselves. It’s crucial to have a conversation about mental health. Simply by being honest with others about our mental health struggles, we may lead solid, stable lives. It provides others with a relatable figure. Stay tuned for more discussions.

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