Don’t Encourage False Positivity

Hello everyone. Having a positive outlook is crucial for overcoming obstacles and issues that come our way. Whether at home, school, or job, you’re probably urged to always be positive. People may advise you to “count your blessings” or to “be joyful. Everything will be alright” or to “don’t worry; you’re lucky; everything will be fine.” You might even advise others to maintain their positive outlook and identify the silver lining. Although it’s usually a lovely gesture to encourage positivity, there are situations when it backfires. Don’t Encourage False Positivity.

Having a positive outlook relies on the situation.

As a result, the improper application could result in false positivity. To comprehend the underlying origins of this idea and why it is detrimental. We should understand Don’t Encourage False Positivity.

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Don’t Encourage False Positivity

False optimism frequently produces beneficial results over an extended period as well since being more positive in our thoughts and actions allows us to create new neural connections in the brain. Even if we initially don’t believe them, we can eventually alter our thoughts and behaviors by repeating positive affirmations.

False optimism is the positive outlook we impose in circumstances where it is not necessary.

If you don’t think this sounds odd, the following analogy might make it clear why it is. Think of optimism as the sweetness that enriches the flavors of some plain meals, making them taste more enticing. Like how we all enjoy the sweetness of sugar, we all enjoy happiness and positive attitudes, emotions, and feelings.

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Therefore, adding sweetness to plain dishes is comparable to how a positive outlook can help us overcome everyday challenges and menial jobs. Some meals simply don’t mix well with sugar, though. In fact, certain items may taste terrible if you add sugar to them. Instead, to make certain dishes more pleasant, they might need a dash of salt, a spoonful of vinegar, or some other condiment. Therefore, just as we shouldn’t season every dish we are offered with sugar, we also shouldn’t try to sugar-coat every unpleasant experience life hands us. We would be better off selecting the proper response.

False optimism can be created in one of two ways:

Either by us or by others who give our experiences a positive spin. However, how do other individuals intrude on our emotional experiences with their fake optimism? Usually, pleasant images or upbeat remarks about a troubling circumstance are the first to appear. Since most people strive to speak in a more useful way or to be more empathic, such gestures are well-intentioned. The social pressure to appear confident and content, however, might be influenced by these individuals’ good deeds.

False-positive Auras

In our daily lives, such as on social media, we are bombarded with messages that are compelled to be positive. Thus, we internalise these signals and make it a point to always be optimistic. Many people find it difficult to deal with unpleasant feelings and emotions, whether they are experiencing them themselves or interacting with someone who is. They consequently opt to downplay or avoid unpleasant emotions.

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Sometimes, a lack of empathy leads to false positivism. So, Don’t Encourage False Positivity. This is because occasionally people find it difficult to imagine and accept the feelings and emotions of others. Sometimes people may believe that everyone else is equally resilient to them. By realising that everyone’s circumstances, as well as their responses and feelings, are distinctive, we can avoid making these errors.

How to Stay Away From False Positivity

Even bad emotions can be accepted.

The good times can’t last forever. Every one of us will inevitably go through difficult or trying moments. We can develop coping mechanisms for these situations by accepting our emotions. This acceptance can bring about positive changes in our life and, over time, help us become more emotionally strong.

Keep your feet firmly on the ground and steer clear of positive spin.

Ignoring the underlying issue or casting a positive light on a bad circumstance won’t make it go away. Ignoring its causes can potentially make things worse. For instance, advising someone who lost their job that “all will be okay in the end” or “that job was unfulfilling anyhow” doesn’t address their immediate issue of being unable to meet their necessities or their emotional need of feeling supported. False positive doesn’t go into detail about the cause of this loss, which if addressed can at least assist them to realize why they could have trouble finding employment.

Respect the emotions of people.

We cannot run away from seeing people suffer or when they attempt to communicate their feelings to us unless we completely forsake all human interaction. Try to be sympathetic if someone is telling you about something distressing. Even if you responded differently in the same circumstance, no one would gain from you criticizing or discrediting their bad emotional responses. People typically open up to you about these events because they believe in you and realize that you can help them make sense of their circumstances and heal.

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Respect Emotions

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Speaking about our feelings aids in our healing when we are coping with bad emotions. But we may be cautious about who we reveal ourselves. Occasionally, those closest to us lack the emotional maturity or empathy necessary to fully comprehend what we are going through. If so, you may want to think about consulting a therapist or attending a support group so you may discuss your experiences with others who may be going through something similar. Stay Connected With More Updates.

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