Borderline Personality Disorder

Hello Readers. An individual’s personality affects both how he behaves and how he sees himself and other people. Although everyone has a unique personality, a healthy personality tends to have a few common actions and thought processes. We will discuss one of the personality disorders: Borderline Personality Disorder.

The hallmarks of personality disorders include deviant personality traits, which are typically accompanied by faulty mental processes and irrational emotions (PD). There are measurable phenomena that can be used to distinguish personality disorders, such as outward traits like impulsivity, specific acts like self-mutilation, beliefs or cognitions like an inflated sense of self-importance, and self-reported sensations like feelings of emptiness.

This connection may exist because economic hardship raises the risk of developing antisocial tendencies, which in turn raises the risk of personality disorders. Personality disorders such as BPD, ASPD, and PPD may be more likely to develop in people with a genetic predisposition for poor mood and impulse control.

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Personality Matters

Let’s begin with the introduction to Borderline Personality Disorder first.


A person who suffers from a borderline personality disorder (BPD) has trouble processing or controlling their emotions. Issues with self-image, shifting moods, and behavioral changes are frequent occurrences. It may also result in a feeling of instability and unease. The symptoms of this disorder are particularly harmful because of how severe and persistent they are. An individual with BPD will experience unpleasant emotions frequently and strongly. Patients with BPD struggle with their sense of self and are skeptical of their own opinions as well as those of others. BPD patients often have irrational concerns about abandonment.

Signs And Symptoms

These signs and symptoms can lead to impulsive actions and damaged relationships with loved ones, romantic partners, friends, and acquaintances.

You may say hurtful things or act out in dangerous or inappropriate ways that make you feel guilty or ashamed afterward. These signs and symptoms can lead to impulsive actions and damaged relationships with loved ones, romantic partners, friends, and acquaintances.

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Self-harming behaviors, such as cutting, a pattern of intense and unstable relationships with family, friends, significant others, and other loved ones, efforts to avoid abandonment, an unstable and distorted self-image, and impulsive behaviors, such as shopping binges, unsafe sexual encounters, binge eating or drinking, reckless driving, or other behaviors, can all be indications of borderline personality disorder.

Causes Of Borderline Personality Disorder

  • You can be more prone to BPD if you acquire certain genes from your parents.
  • Many BPD sufferers are believed to have a problem with their brain’s neurotransmitters.
  • Brain-related issues could be a factor in the symptoms of BPD.
  • Your early environment has an impact on the way certain brain regions grow.
  • These regions of the brain are also in charge of controlling your mood, which may explain some of the difficulties people with BPD face in intimate relationships.
  • Your brain uses neurotransmitters, often known as “messenger chemicals,” to send signals between brain cells.
  • Serotonin imbalances have been linked to sadness, violence, and difficulties in resisting urges to do harm.
  • How a person views the world and what they believe about other people is greatly influenced by their relationship with their parents and relatives.
  • Unresolved childhood anxiety, rage, and distress can result in a number of erroneous thought patterns in adults.
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Diagnosis Of BPD

No universally accepted screening or evaluation methods for personality disorders. Mental health care practitioners frequently have to rely on self-rated personality disorder questionnaires and organized patient interviews. This presents a significant challenge in the treatment of personality disorders.

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Communal Mental Health Centres assist people with complicated mental health illnesses. Some teams, though, might exclusively work with those who have psychotic conditions. The majority of the time, a general care physician cannot identify BPD, but they might be able to recommend you or a loved one to a qualified mental health expert. Once BPD has been officially diagnosed. It is advised that you share the news with your close family, friends, and other trusted individuals. Involving them in your treatment may make them aware of your condition and improve the effectiveness of your treatment because many BPD symptoms have an impact on your relationships with individuals close to you.

Treatment Of BPD

The treatment of BPD includes psychotherapy, medication, hospitalization, etc. With the aid of CBT, you may recognize and alter any problematic attitudes, habits, or perceptions you might have of other people or yourself. It teaches you better methods to respond when you experience negative emotions like rage, insecurity, fear, or suicidal thoughts. DBT shows you how to become conscious of, accept, and identify your beliefs and behaviors.

Additionally, you can develop more thoughtful responses to other people’s actions. Schema-focused therapy enables you to have a more optimistic outlook on both yourself and the outside world. To aid with mood fluctuations or depression, your doctor may prescribeTrusted Source medicine in addition to psychotherapy. Your doctor could advise a brief hospital stay for treatment if your symptoms are severe.

This is all about Borderline personality Disorder. Stay Connected for more such discussions.

Courtesy: Healthline, NHS

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